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D1:} WRITING TWO PROGRAM FILES: } d1:filename.exe d1:filename. } to load program }: USE BINARY LOAD IN CURRENT DOS TO LOAD  } OTHER }WISE REBOOT DOS AND RUN PROGRAM.AS:E:;e;BDEJ VBHI4 D4LDE V  }L i;i;;;E V ̭ͩΩ4ϠΑꈱΑLr/*, \*"/`̠L ;;  }l <(< T v_ \b \`4ꈱΑLr/*, \*"/`̠L ;; 6(0X.Y. - -(( -0.1 (.. ( , ,;. (..آ.L:(ש. (}..к. 6*  . ( )*L2(// c,.H (h`.(((((( .` `}... 6* U. - , - ) )` - ) - * * - - )-.) ,L. -.... ;-L)." , ,}( g. . ). L.! .. )* - ,L)i(i -< < -L)<<`.. -.i..i}. )-`<.<.`<.<.`.8.......` {- , , ,`. c,. '/0 '/ - -,/(}.  `)i1}0m0.` ,..B|D0EHIJ V0wBHID0E V0W}HP08 Ƚ08 .. .i i..@Љ L..T/( )*L9*.. Z}, - - u, , ,L9*3}0m0Ii ..o0 n0.ʩo0` u,3.i.... .i }iLl+6.8).ο...8 Ll+.i.. -Ll+.80.8(Ll+X}Y` Z, , - Z,`I `  `(`.`.XiPYi` ,`` j-}(` j-D0( , ,+` j-!` M-. S-. S-` M-. S-. S-` M-. S-. 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PRESANY SHOWANY KEYWAIT GETKEY CLRMSG : $X; ------- FILE SELECTOR -------- 0X; THIS PROGRA>}M WILL DISPLAY THE DIRECTORY OF 6X; A CHOOSEN DRIVE (1-8) AND LET YOU SELECT A FILE! 3X; NORMAL EXEC: FNAME CONTAINS THE SE?}LECTED FILE" X; A (ACCU) = 0, X; ABORTED : A (ACCU) = 16 X; SCREEN SETUP@ #SELECTPLSFLAG;; LOAD/SAVE FLA@}GJ NEWDRIV CLST QLSFLAG^ HSAVMh X; A = 0, LOAD!r %>'| LOACPQLOAMSG8 P@SCRN7 1 ILOACP GCSEL X; A <> A}0, SAVE! SAVM%>' SAVCPQSAVMSG8 P@SCRN7 1 ISAVCP CSEL INCSCR INCSCR %> INSCPQINSMSG8 P@SCRNB}7 3& )>(0 HINSCP: X; SELECT DRIVED SCKEY$>N NKCMPQX RKTDS9b FTOUCHEDl 2v (> HNKCMP FSCKEY TOC}UCHEDQ> P (> ;; ESC? HNESCA Q> : NESCAA M>;; 8 = RETURN , O>1 PDNAME PFNAME QLSD}FLAG FLOADFL :* LOADFL DELINE4 %X; INIT. LINE COUNTER AND ENTRIES!> Q>H PLCNTR PENTRS\ X; OPEN DIRECTORYf $>E}LCHANp Q>;;OPENz PICCOM9 Q>DNAME PICBAL9 Q>DNAME PICBAH9 Q> PICBLL9 Q> PICBLH9 Q>;F};DIR PICAX19 CIOV GCLOZ X; GET A FILENAMEGETFN$>LCHAN Q>;;GET PICCOM9$Q>. PICBLL98Q>B PICG}BLH9LQ>DIRECV PICBAL9`Q>DIRECj PICBAH9t CIOV~ GCLOZ QICBLL9R> FCLOZ X; DISPLAY FILENAME ONH} SCREEN$>%>SHOWERQDIREC9;S>  P@SCRN732(>  HSHOWERQ> P@SCRN7( SHEXT32QDII}REC9<;FS> P P@SCRN7Z2d(> n HSHEXTx #LCNT QLCNTR> HNOPROBQ> PLCNT #SCRN HNOPROB J}#SCRNNOPROBQSCRN,O>  PSCRN QSCRNO> PSCRN #ENTRS" QENTRS,R>@6 HGETFN@CLOZ$>LK}CHANJ CLOSET QENTRS^ HFILSELh%>rDPDMSGQEMDIS8| P@SCRN73)>( HDPDMSG PRESANY !NEWDRIVX; FIL}LE SELECTOR!FILSELQ> PCHOOS PLCNT SETMP INCSCR INCSCRWOPPA INVERTBEK KEYWAITSCKEY2 SCAM}N(>& HNONESC0 !NEWDRIV:NONESC(>;;D HDIZNOTNX; MAKE FILENAME!XOTHERQDNAME;; DRIVE NR.b PFNAN}MEl%>v$>CFNQ@SCRN7N>FNULL;; A SPACE!,O> R>.;; DOT? HNODOT &DOTHERENODOTPFNAMEO}92 NULL3)> HCFN$X; LAST CH. MAY NOT BE A DOT! "." QFNAME9R>. HZEE*04 ZEEQ>>PFNAME9P}HQ>R:\DIZNOT INVERT;;NORMALf(>p HNRIGHTz QCHOOS,O> RENTRS FWOPPA PCHOOS #LCNT QLCNTQ}R> HHEBUURQ> PLCNT #SCRN HHEBUUR #SCRNHEBUURQSCRN,$O> . PSCRN8 QSCRNBO>L PR}SCRNV !WOPPA`NRIGHT(>j HNLEFTt QCHOOS~;S>R> FWASSA PCHOOS "LCNT QLCNTR> HTORNADS}OQ> PLCNT "SCRN QSCRNR>  HTORNADO "SCRNTORNADOQSCRN(;2S> < PSCRNF QSCRNPS>Z T}PSCRNdWASSA!WOPPAn NLEFT(>x HNDOWN QCHOOS,O> RENTRSEWOP PCHOOS INCSCRWOP!WOPPAU}X; NOT RIGHT, LEFT OR DOWN??X; THIS MUST BE UP THEN!NDOWNQCHOOS;S> GWOP0 PCHOOS QSCRN";,S>(6 PV}SCRN@ QSCRNJS>T PSCRN^WOP0!WOPPAh SETMPQXr PSCRN|QY PSCRN:X; CLEAR SCREENCLS SETMW}P$>WISCR DELINE INCSCR0 HWISCR SETMP:INVERT%>BLOKIESQ@SCRN7N> P@SCRN73&)>X} 0 HBLOKIES::D PAUSEQ>NP X WEETQ b HWEETl:vDELINE%>CWISREGP@SCRN73)>( HWISREG:Y}!X; SCAN UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT! SCAN$>NKCMP2Q RKTFS9 FTOUCH22(> HNKCMP2  FSCANTOUCH2Q> Z}P*:4X; LINE ZP!> LZPQ>H PLINERQX\,fO>Pp PWRITLINzQYO>PWRITLIN:X; KEY WAITKE[}YWAITQ>P PAUSE: X; GET KEYGETKEYQR> FGETKEY:X; CLEAR MSG.CLRMSG LASTLIN%>$Q\}>.FILINVP@SCRN783B)>(L HFILINVV:`X; ASK RIP!jASKRIP LASTLINt%>~CORIPQRIPMSG8 P@SCRN73)>]}( HCORIP KEYWAIT GETKEY R>+;; "Y":X; PART IS TOO BIG!ITSBIG LASTLIN%>! Q>;; "!"P@WRITLI^}N7 :X; SHOW LOAD ADR.SHOWLOAD%>( STRING2QLOADADR< OUTHEXF QLOADADRP OUTHEXZ:dX; SHOW END ADR._}nSHOWEND%> x STRINGQENDADR OUTHEX QENDADR OUTHEX:X; SHOW LEN.SHOWLEN%> STRING QLE`}N OUTHEXQLEN OUTHEX:X; SHOW RUN/INITSHOWRI%> STRING"QBUFFER, OUTHEX6 QBUFFER@ OUa}THEXJ:TX; PUT STRING SIGN ($)^STRINGQ>hP@WRITLIN7r3|:X; HEX OUTPUT TO SCREEN OUTHEX5V?V?V?Vb}?> QHEXSTR9P@WRITLIN737M>;;%1111> QHEXSTR9P@WRITLIN73&:0X; PUT PTR. TO LAST LINE:LASc}TLIN SETMPD QSCRNN,XO>b PSCRNl QSCRNvO> PSCRN:X; ANY KEY..SHOWANY LASTLIN%>CAMSd}GQANYMSG8 P@SCRN73)>( HCAMSG:X; MAKE TABLEMAKTB SETMP%> NURDQTABTOP8 P@SCRN7 3*)>(4e} HNURD>$>HNNEE INCSCRR%>\COPLQTABLN8f P@SCRN7p3z)>( HCOPL2(> HNNEE INCSCR CLRMf}SG:X; SCRN = SCRN + 40INCSCRQSCRN,O>( PSCRN QSCRNO> PSCRN:$X; GET TWO BYTES!.TWq}o?F#DOS SYSF6'DUP SYSF]KEYEDIT COMFBrTRBOWATSCOMFIBURP COMFBOOTOFILCOMFCOMTOOL1COMFZ COMTOOL M65F-COMTOOL1DOCFGDIRHEAD2BASF0DIRHEAD2DOCF"(MYCOPYR2COMF#JCOPYMATECOMF0mCOPYMATEDOCFCOPY2000COMFUS4 COPF`FB COMFC3FB DOCF vDEN OBJF DEN DOCOGETQ>8PLENBQ>L PLENVX; LOAD DATA`LOAD$>LCHANj Q>;; GETt PICCOM9~QLEN PICBLL9 QLEN PIr}CBLH9Q>BUFFER PICBAL9Q>BUFFER PICBAH9 CIOV INOLER)> HERROR $>LCHAN QICBLL9 PLENs} QICBLH9 PLEN(EXITNOW$>LCHAN2 CLOSE< NOLER:FERROR$>LCHANP CLOSEZ7d7n:xX; OPEN FILEOPENPIt}CAX19Q> PICCOM9Q>FNAME PICBAL9Q>FNAME PICBAH9 CIOV GERROR:X; SAVE DATASAVE$>SCu}HAN Q> ;; PUT PICCOM9QLEN PICBLL9" QLEN, PICBLH96Q>BUFFER@ PICBAL9JQ>BUFFERT PICBAH9^ v}CIOVh GERRORr:|X; CLOSE CHANNEL CLOSEQ>  PICCOM9 CIOV:HX; ROUTINES TO GET SAVE FILES LIKE; FILE.001, Fw}ILE.002, FILE.003 ETC.X; SAVE FILENAME RESET SFRES%> $DOTHEREFINFNQSFINIT8PFNAME923)> HFx}INFN : X; SAVE FILENAME INCREASE& #SFINC$DOTHERE;; HERE'S THE DOT0 2: 2D 2N #FNAME9X QFNAME9b R>:;; >9 ?y}l HQINCv Q>0 PFNAME9 0 #FNAME9 QFNAME9 R>: HQINC Q>0 PFNAME9 0 !#FNAME9;; NO CHz}ECK IF >999 QINC: SFINIT A.000A  !X; DL ! DL p=p! B ! TOPMSG*! 4! B>! LH H! ====R! {}=====\! =====f! =====p! Az! DL! LSFLAG !INVFLAG !DOTHERE ! FLAG |}! LINE ! CHOICE ! LCNT ! ENTRS ! CHOOS !LOADADR =!ENDADR =! LEN =!X; HEX STRING!"}}HEXSTR A0123456789ABCDEFA"!X; KEYCODE TAB. DRIVE SELECTOR"KTDS ===$" ==3=5= =." X; KEYCODE TAB. FILE S~}ELECTOR8"KTFS ==== =B"6TOPMSG Aֱ̠͠é٠ΠAL"F0 ASHOW FILE INFOAV"F1 ASTRIP} COM FILEA`"6INSMSG A PRESS 1..8 FOR DIRECTORY Aj"5EMDIS A THIS DISK IS EMPTY At"6TABT}OP AĠĠȠίA~"5TABLN A | | | | A"6LOAMSG A } LOAD FILE: A"6SAVMSG A SAVE FILE: A"6ANYMSG AӠ٠٠ϠŠ}A"6RIPMSG AРӠԿٯΩA"!X; HERE WE CREATE THE FILENAME"FNAME AD?:FILENAME.EXT}A" "X; THE DIRECTORY MASK"DNAME AD?:*.*A" "X; ENTRY BUFFER"DIREC AFRANKENSTEIN RULEZA# # COMTOOLT|COM TOOL V1.0-------------A long time ago I made a useful utility to convert an appended (*) COM file into original data f}iles. That program was written in Turbo Basic and I've used it often. One day I thought about changing the program a little s}o it could also be used to get info from an appended COM file which is possible with 'Turbo dos' (option HEA). I also thought} about some more nice options and I finally decided to start all over again, but this time I would use assembly. The result }of my work is an very short executable (COM) file of about three kilobyte named COMTOOL.COM (CT). The program and source code} are shareware so please don't spread the program without this text. Shareware means that you should send me a donation if yo}u like the program or if you use source code (or parts of it!!).* An appended COM file is the final (executable) file which} mostly consists of many (short) files.With the program you can rip COM files and get info about a COM file. The usage is v}ery easy. Simply use the cursor keys (without the control key), the RETURN key and ESCape.After booting the program you'll }get a menu with only two options "Show info" and "Strip file".If you want to know how a certain COM file is build you can se}lect the 'Show info' option. When you select it (by pressing RETURN) it will ask you to select a drive (from 1 - 8). Yes! You} can use the ramdisk! After selecting the drive it will display the directory of that drive and the first item on the list wi}ll be displayed inverse. Now you can select the file by using the cursor keys and RETURN. Directly after selecting the file t}he program displays a table and starts to fill it with hex numbers. If you didn't select a COM file it will only load the who}le file and display the length.But if you choose a COM file it will nicely display the START and END addresses, followed by }the lenght of that part. If we're dealing with a RUN or INIT address the program will also display the contents of it in the }RUN/INI column. Hue what? Simple, you can exactly locate the RUN and INIT addresses of the examined COM file! Maybe you like }to roam around in a demo file, so now you can write all the addresses down (or make a screendump with help of Qmeg, Supermon }or whatever). It could happen that a "!" sign appears in the RUN/INI column. This means that CT discovered a part which was b}igger than 32K (this is the max. size of the CT buffer). There's nothing you can do about that or eh.. well, maybe I'll enlar}ge the buffer in a future version.Let's select the other option 'Strip COM file'. You'll notice that it's almost the same a}s the 'Show info' option. However, with this option you can actually strip the COM file and store its clothes on a disk!Ther}e's another difference, right after you've selected the 'load' file CT will ask you to select a drive again! This is nessesar}y because CT wants to know on which drive you would like to store the stripped parts. It won't ask for a 'save' file. The sav}e filename is build from the load filename and a number. For example, if you strip a file named 'LITTLE.COM' CT will create s}ave files like 'LITTLE.001', 'LITTLE.002' and so on. WARNING! Never strip a file with the extension '001' or any other number} because in that case CT could destroy the original!After displaying a normal START, END and LENGHT it will ask you if you w}ant to rip that part. If you answer 'N' it will continue to show the info of the next part. In case you answer 'Y', CT will s}tore that part on the earlier selected drive and a '*' sign appears in the RUN/INI column.The RESET key can be used to retu}rn to DOS and press ESC if you want to go back to a previous level.So, what's the use of all this? I don't know why it's us}eful for you but I'll tell you why I made/use my short utility.I've been programming for a long time in the ATMAS (assembler}) and always got sick of all those short COM files. All my disks are full of these 'what the hell is this' files. Every time }I made I demo I got a disk full of crap, the source code and the final COM file. Now I can simply delete all the crap and the} only two things that remain are the source and the final version. CT can strip the final version into all those short files }again so nothing is lost!Because of the fact that I now use ATMAS and ST-65 (a cross assembler for the XL/XE on the ST) ther}e was another problem. Since ATMAS loves COM files and ST-65 loves pure data files (and I like pure data too because it's rel}ocatable) I had to convert these files. This can be done with help of a simple Turbo Basic program but now I can use CT for t}his job so I don't need to load Turbo Basic anymore.Some technical info:CT is loaded at $2800 so it won't cause trouble wi}th most DOS's (I hope).The source is written for ST-65. More info about ST-65 can be found in the first issue of MegaZine.I}n the source you can find a 'file selector'. If you like to use this please let me know.The 32K buffer starts at $3C00.I'm} planning to release a more powerful version of CT in the future. Here's a list of possible extensions of the program:- A fi}le builder which makes it easy to append files- A larger buffer (42K or 46K)- A print option- More features in the strip f}unction.- A protector so you can protect COM files from people who want to change them with help of a sector editorWell, i}f you can think of some more features please let me know so I can think about it!Greetinx!-Frankenstein-Reactions/donat}ions to:The High-Tech TeamP.O. Box 1648800 AD Franeker(Frl.) Hollandut it!Greetinx!-Frankenstein-Reactions/donatKh#/#NN1EXINUKENENNNIMNN15N2MASECN12LINP69P70N1N1N1NNN1DPREPREPPWVERIFN191BU}HN25LDHN1N2NMHMEMTMTHYEACVBIDLS@@ BdC @} @ @ @@AU@'@@A(}@@@@@ @!"#$%&A'(@e})AV*Ai+,@-@ .@/0 1!!23456NN7""8@} !!!!|THE DISK DIRECTORY HEADER|!!| Version II |(!!| Written by Joh}n Foskett |2!!| September 1993 |<!!F_6-+6-@+@d=B}7t@dIAYUA_ A`P$$------------------------------Zd 6-6}- An- A@6-&@H- )!Ax36-?:C:,<<@,") A03 AP Ap}"A A##-----------------------------󠛪DK:6. $67,. -67,.}46.:6-D A`=AdAU)"")0.:B2H=$"A$ "B2H}$ AWW!@&* @2)!A$* A()!* A`)"AT)"AUAP''"*+ @H)!@W},AP0  6-%-%&"(>:,067<,.>:,( "-%&(>:,(67<,.>:,@"A&*! 67}<,. *67,.26-&:-%@( %%B2H@@%$%$%+,$ AРЯЩ" "} ',' A6##-----------------------------@ JO -( CUSTOM HEADER#6. .6}7,. 767,.=6-C6-O6-@dT36-?:C:,,6-%-3( ENTER LINE :^D(>-----------D(%E}IGHT LINES MAXIMUM Š EXIThg 6-6-A'A3A= ApL6-F:A,[6-F:A},gAr' 6-$&67,.b'67%,.| -%(: "$@6-?:C:,,-@(&à EXIT Π }NEXT LINE Р PREPARE A@"' A"@xA@"@$ A 련}ä9  6-+$%, 67,.+67,.967%,.7,##-----------------------------},6-?:C:,,-&( PREPARE DISK,6-M"(SELECT DENSITY TO FORMAT:M(&à EXIT Š ENHANCED Ӡ} SINGLE A@"A,"@6-"6.SINGLE, AP."@i6-$6.ENHANCED. AP} A렛&I6-?:C:,,-1(Π PREPARE DISKI( DENSITY SELECTED0//(&PRESS ٠ T}O PREPARE DISK IN DRIVE 1:! A@!@AD:6-?:C:,,-:( PREPARING DISK IN DRIVE NUMBER 1N[)(}FORMATTING DISK IN  DENSITYB(WRITING WITH VERIFYF(O6-F:,[@X "ASD:b%"@}%ATD:lv! 6-C:,6-P:',!6-&$cAi!Ap@-Ar}9AsKAxAWAyc6-?:C:,,I6-?:C:,<<,-?(!DISK FORMATTED AND HEADER WRITTENI A}ӮӠ٩K --(PRESS ٠ TO WRITE DOS.SYS FILE7 A@K@A ӮӠ}[ 6-#6-?:C:,<<<<@7,36-?:C:,<<,9-[(WRITING DOS.SYS WITH VERIFYH( D:DOS.SYS!>}@5 D:DOS.SYSH A䠛9 6-?:C:,,-9(DISK PREPARED IN DRIVE 1'( } DENSITY WITH"'(OUT8( DOS.SYS8(#PRESS ٠ TO PREPARE ANOTHER DISK# A@@# A'}6-?:C:,<<<<@7,' A##----------------------------- 9@-((DI}SK DIRECTORY9D:*.* / (7<,0* ,@/$* A4##-----------------------------}>H2AdAU#K:*)/2$R##-----------------------------\}f:A6--*(HEADER: :#$&%APpM"0@"67$%,.b/67$%,.7-%;(C6}-%M Az AP堛 - (" A@"6-@"$"A ` A } d6-?:C:,,-4(PLEASE ENTER THE FOLLOWINGd(+ENTER NUMERALS ONLY Š EXIT}!* A`蠛9 6-6-@$6-9(ENTER MONTH: 1 to 12 >--C Ap6-A:,& )}!@2-@$9( C A5 #AP-" #"/6-@q5- "6-@- 6.} A06-?:C:,<<,$8 6-6-6-@!-8(ENTER YEAR: >----.E Ap6-A:,}, A)!A @2-;( E Ap8! "6-@Y!-@B "6-@-L%")"@}6-A%-V "6-@v-` "6-@-j 6.=:, A0t堛~6-?:}C:,,-( A@*A` "6- 련ä86-B:,% 67,.}*67,.867%,.7,$""---------------------------- ä᠛(67<&%B:,,.$} ᠨ򩠛88JAN,FEB,MAR,APR,MAY,JUNE,JULY,AUG,SEPT,OCT,NOV,DEC""----------------------------}@6-?:C:,<<@,-@(THE MENU OF STANDARD HEADERS T(0. CUSTOM DESIGN3(1. GENERAL PRESENTA}IONT(2. GENERAL FREE PRESENTATIONg+(#3. SINGLE PROGRAM FREE PRESENTATIOND(4. GENERAL COPYRIGHTg(5. PROTECTED PRO}GRAM COPYRIGHTn)(!6. PROTECTED PROGRAM PRESENTATIONL(7. PROTECTED SHAREWARE PROGRAMn(8. DATED GENERAL PRESENTATION}(M*("9. DATED GENERAL FREE PRESENTATIONM(PLEASE SELECT OPTION: 0 to 92S -2($ CYCLE COLOURS RESE}TDAY@XPAS$<""----------------------------FP? A`'6-F:A,}?6.UNSPECIFIED ERRORZ;"A8)"A9;6.NO RESPONSE FROM DISK DRIVEd("As(6.CANNOT FORMAT DISKn}B6-?:C:,,@!->(ERROR  ENCOUNTEREDB(x00((Π PREPARE DISK Š EXIT A@}"A"A A""----------------------------堛_6-@6-%6-}%'6-%/6-%76-%?6-%G6-%O6-%W6-%_6-%G 6-%6-%6-%#6-%+6-$36-%;6-#}G6-Ah A`A@X1A@t76-?6-%E6-h;@,;@,;A8,II;},;,;,;,;@3,;,;,;,;@x,;@4, 6. 67,. 67,.h+6.!Π CONTINUE }Š EXITA6.PLEASE WAIT....h6. pp0F@Ann6.dhshhhhϥmhhhhѩ̅ͅΩҢ}(% eͥͅe΅ːޥXeͥͅYe΅΢БE967A,.&i(ͥi`˩ϩЩ(БE6.h }S`pX6.NHMO@. NhLNNii۩p6.hhh˩`C 6-C:},6-P:',!6-&$267B:,%,.>:,C67B:,%,.>:,A`Aa"W 6-C:,6-P:',!6-&$-BB}9AHEAIWBBAU,Ǡ6E6-P:F:AB,',&'BBy$3B2wEA}AP@E!6-?:C:,<$A H%A$,)-A$A H%A%E JT_AR4( } the} diskdirectory header\(# VERSION II _$^""----------------------------h򠱠r77},|PRESENTED|,|BY JOHN F|,,@|򠲠CC,|PRESENTED|,| FREE BY |,|J.FOSKETT|,},@򠳠[[,| A |,| PROGRAM |,|PRESENTED|,| FREE BY |,|J.FOSKETT|,,@}CC,|COPYRIGHT|,|J.FOSKETT|,| (C) |,,@򠵠[[,|PROTECTED|,| PROGRAM} |,|COPYRIGHT|,|J.FOSKETT|,| (C) |,,@򠶠gg,| A |,|PROTECTED|,| PROGRAM |,|PR}ESENTED|,|BY JOHN F|,| (C) |,,@򠷠gg,|PROTECTED|,|SHAREWARE|,| PROGRAM |,},|J.FOSKETT|,| (C) |,,@򠸠OO,|PRESENTED|,|BY JOHN F|,,| |,},@򠹠[[,|PRESENTED|,| FREE BY |,|J.FOSKETT|,,| |,,@}D:DIRHEAD2.BAS򠹠[[,|PRESENTED|,| FREE BY |,|J.FOSKETT|,,| |,,@THE DISK DIRECTORY HEADER Version II=====================================September 1993By John FoskettBy reading th}e directory of commercial disks it can be seen that in many cases the directory contains a header of some form giving some de}tails like a title, version, date, etc. Such a header could be written to a newly formatted disk by using a disk sector edito}r but this can be confusing and time consuming, since it must always be remembered how a disk stores its data. In order to ov}ercome these problems in a user friendly way, "The Disk Directory Header" was born.The Disk Directory Header can create a h}eader consisting of upto eight lines, completely filling the first directory sector if required where each line can consist o}f upto eleven characters, the normal file name length.The Disk Directory Header provides nine standard headers which can be} selected from the main menu as well as a way of creating a custom designed header.THE SCREENThe top section of the scr}een comprises of the title. The central and the lower sections comprise the main working part of the screen.USING THE DIR}ECTORY HEADERWhen The Disk Directory Header is first run, the centre section contains a menu and a prompt. To select one of} the nine standard headers, press the appropriate number key, the menu will be erased and the chosen header printed in its pl}ace on the left side of the screen. If the chosen header requires a date then this will be requested before prompting for the} formatting details.As a part of the main menu, the bottom line of the screen contains a small two option menu, as a remind}er, that at any time START can be used to cycle through the background colours whilst SELECT is used to reset the colour back} to blue.If a custom designed header is selected from the menu, the menu is again erased and the necessary details printed }to enable its construction. As each line is entered, it is printed to the screen and a menu is displayed on the bottom line. }Select "N" to continue and enter the next line, "P" to exit early and to prepare the disk or ESCAPE to exit back to the menu. } If and when an eighth line is entered, the 'N/P/ESCAPE' menu is bypassed and control is passed directly to the 'Prepare disk }' section.PREPARE DISKThis section is entered after a header is completed and RETURN pressed, ESCAPE will exit back to  }the menu.Prepare disk allows a disk to be first formatted in either single or enhanced density, ESCAPE again is used to exi }t. "S" is pressed to select single density or "E" is pressed for enhanced density. After selecting, 'CAUTION' is displayed on } screen requiring "Y" to be pressed to continue. Any other key will return back to the previous stage to select the format de}nsity.Upon pressing "Y", the disk which is currently in drive #1 is formatted and the header written into the directory. Af}ter this, the disks directory is read and printed to the right hand side of the screen to confirm its presence.Once the hea}der has been written and the directory displayed, the option to write the DOS.SYS file is given. Upon pressing "Y", the direc}tory display on screen is erased and the DOS.SYS file written to the disk and locked. The disks directory is then once again }read and displayed.Regardless whether or not the DOS.SYS file has been written to the disk, the option to prepare another d}isk with the same header is presented. Pressing "Y" will allow the format density for this disk to be selected. Any other key} will exit back to the menu.MODIFYING THE STANDARD HEADERSNaturally the standard built-in headers will need to be amend}ed to incorporate the users name rather than my own name. The standard headers are stored at the end of the listing in the fo}rm of basic DATA. When modifying the headers, the single line format must be maintained due to the way that the program selec}ts the various headers. Each set of header DATA terminates with the '@' character which is most probably the least likely cha}racter required for a header. It can be used within a line of characters but must not be used alone. The limitation of a maxi}mum of eight lines where each line comprises of a maximum of eleven characters must also be maintained. The main menu should }also be modified to reflect the changes made.If a modified header needs a date, then its position must be considered so tha}t the details can be printed within the header on screen and for inclusion into the string for writing into the first directo}ry sector of the disk. For this reason it may prove more convenient to leave the date position where it is and to simply modi}fy the header around it.TECHNICAL DETAILSA VBI routine is used to control the background colour cycling, to disable the} attract mode and to disable the CONTROL-1 stop-start toggle. It also provides an optional keyboard lock to ensure that only }the normal uppercase character set ascii codes can be used when selecting from the menus. This part of the VBI cancels any ac }cidental operation of the respective two keys. The keyboard lock is disabled when the custom designed header is selected to e!}nable the use of all characters.All text erasing is achieved by using a machine code routine which defaults to erasing the "}lower section of the screen only, unless otherwise set up.The cursor used within the data entry section is 'player zero', i#}ts colour is also controlled by the VBI according to the background colour. A small machine code routine is used to ensure th$}at the player zero stripe is clear before the cursor is defined.A small machine code routine is used to access the internal%} routines enabling data to be written to the disk.A custom display list enables the use of a mixed mode text screen.The a&}bove stated machine code routines are stored in the form of relocatable machine code strings. The display list is also stored'} as a relocatable string. The strings being directly defined to eliminate initialising time caused by the loading of data.ed{AA 0  D  L --------MYCOPYR v2.1--------BOOT TO MENU BY JOHN E. (TEBSF) --------THIS IS A GOOD CO)}PIER! --------,0Lt/0ɢ  ,,杩PAHAS S膂 *}   H YΑ hAɢD!日꥖DLӌӌ@ө@ӭ@`+}Р@xHԩө@h(`  0 0>,}Yi ʆR xX RS L T   ؠ   R -}L{ >b:d8> H. ɕLʩ, L+WʼnAP9+C.}ł 0L5   L Lw΢...h { } MyCopyR! 2.1 /} by Glenn Smith OURCE DRIVE........#.ESTINATION DRIVE...#.ORMAT DESTINATION..ΛRITE VER0}IFICATION.ƛLTRASPEED SKEW....ƛ OR FOR DIRECTORY }  PRESS } 1}Ǜ} қ} қCHECK DISK} қ} ț CHECK 2}DISK} SECTOR} SECTOR}INSERT DISK} INSERT DISK} INSERT DISKS  THEN3} PRESS  } ٠ƠĠӠ4}٠Ϡś} PLEASE INSERT A DISK, THEN PRESS TO BOOT DISK, OR PRESS  TO RETURN TO  5} MyCopyR! 2.1                    6}RPW fO@f !"M18 (8 ; 8 (ҩmi:; 7}< =x:23454 Μ ,  Q ,P  νе ( X0`234 5`8} 21 ,350 2 4 2 L 1 )@ҢLQ 1,350 &2 4 2 19}`08`  < ACE,0ɋ8` `& '0L\`e1i1`,07 ,_ҩxҭҍ :})  `_ҩxҩ,,,8`H)oҩxh `#,ҍ ҩ(ҩҩx`jj)?j)`Ң`H;}?ʎ @ , 08 h`   L{  iT  <}Y R   ^ в   'L * 0 =} rT,,   ^ I    *!)% w l T r>} L    dL Ł'ŁR #: Q ` M-`  ?}, `i   ``eeɀń(`@ L@}̅Lk   8` 8`  摥 ,ŋ`ř`  `S S0:) A}) Z gR 6 0`Ł  hhL hhLO `HhLҥh@B}` R̠  LdH)JJJJ h) ` ii`DE BH V"/`N,O g EC}L L Śڍ ॎƥ¢N  0L <0LL 0D}ťʢ)FG  6f,!,"  a LI`/I"/`",,,L  E}0ۄɀL  N *R 0 r  qL% R'S C)@1U IF}TTiLlTU͠ `   ` *R 0 Ȅ ` 0 rL ЍtG} t@swLV̠"/@> !$= $$H} $ Z$F> H$ ?$˩ r$ $Ԍ0̩ r$ $Ԍ1= !$0A '$= !$6A '$< %@ Z$ T$  I}l l  L= !$0A '$= !$6A '$< %@ Z$ T$  3/! `P&&%B&ƍ&% LJ & &LG`  Lt`B!%L0K}HӍ@Ӡ@ӭ@.L(%)%/*%Ӎ@ÎӠ@ӭ@Q/P " SL}1*-* &-*膂 ,W P Yi%%%MP@ ԍҭ)M}өP h؅( !p@Ltꍂ%%%LP"w*/*x*0*y*1*`` ө jBDN} ELVE:} PLEASE REMOVE ALL CARTRIDGES AND THEN RE-BOOT1N@ ------------((((O}$Hl̅L%0 ؅0L%P}Ӎ@Q}҅ RS &) &T) &* &/* &G* &) & $L]#.&88X>v:xL&L&,WR}P惢ƃw*/*x*0*y*1*>湢ƹw*s*x*t*y*u*łi0*L|"S} &R &膆 &eȅ㦁 &  Y &R T} $ %  * %- ( %i 溦ȅ0@ % ) U} %T ;%2 & $ % &  * %) % Ҡ* %éT % ;%L#}* & V}& %Lt䥀Ł6Ł'+ +>+ &U+L & &P`ee" /`  <㦺 W}y+  y+ y,y,Șȅ㥈YLp˩`@ hhLk$` &l+ & %L%M   X}N  %  %L'HJJJJ %h) %` ii` BƩ`Mhb^()* &f--Y}  &- !Ս & * %𜦅(`  &@L'`++Z}*iY+ & &i 0Ӎ+ '/č+膆 &i 0 ' + &L'+ & 8n '0S[})@#-G0i i挊)i˭ x 0 ' 8n '+ &Lt@R\}1  0E H?ʎ @ Y0h  0:; < =]}ҩҺ7x 60:2344 (234, ( ),P (ҥ 0)X07Х` )21^} 4 2 ) Z)L(1 )) 4)L)1 b)2 Z)4 b)1`LC) 4) )< b)AC ELE)0C&)_}'L\䩊0,06LW(L(e1i1`) ߍҩҭҍ )  `LC)H)ҩh `#,ҍ ҩ(ҩҩ``}}COPYMATE 4.4 (C)1987   & DISK DIRECTORYOURCE DRIVE.........#ESTINATION DRIVE....#ORMAa}T DESTINATION....RITE VERIFICATION....OPY FORMAT........YESYES.NO} COPY COMPLETED  PRESS Ԡ} b} FORMATTING} FORMAT ERROR} WRITE ERROR} READING SECTOR} WRITING SECTOR}INSERT DESTINATION DISK} INSEc}RT SOURCE DISK} INSERT BOTH DISKS THEN PRESS Ԡ CHECK DESTINATION} Š? ?Ġd}} ɯϠ Ӡ٠٠     e}   f}hphpphphpphpq(((((((((((((((((Yg}(((((((((((((((((Y----.&.(h}  (  (    ( (   i}  (     j}" 0@0k}0%Q/ @@/`΢   l} Ll l  @/`΢   }=================================== Š CopyMate 4.4 is a fully automatic,high speed capable, singn}le ordouble density disk copier. Ver-sion 4.4 works on all Atari 8-bitcomputers with at least 16K memory,and with all Ato}ari 8-bit diskdrives.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ӡ* Copies disks up to fifty percent fastep}r than conventional copiers.* One-pass double-density full-disk copy on 256K upgraded XE/XL's.* One-pass single-densityq} or two-pass double-density full-disk copy on Atari 130XE.* Two-pass single-density or four-pass double-density fulr}l-disk copy on Atari 65XE or 800XL.* Automatic drive selection and density switching.* Copies disk formats, preservins}g high speed loading disks.* Disk directories from drive 1 or drive 2 with density information.- - - - - - - - - - - -t} - - - - - - Π Boot the CopyMate disk in thenormal way. Atari XE and XLcomputer owners need not holu}d downthe OPTION key when booting theCopyMate disk. Do not use programcartridges or Translator disks withCopyMate! Copv}yMate automatically determinesthe number of disk drives on thesystem at boot time. If only onedrive is present, the Sourw}ce andDestination drives are set to drive#1. If two or more drives arepresent, the Source will be set todrive #1 and thex} Destination todrive #2. Both may be changed toany drive number on the system byusing the "S" and "D" keys forSource andy} Destination drives,respectively. CopyMate will automatically switchto the correct density for the diskto be copied. Cz}opyMate has the capability toformat the destination disk ifrequired, and to write with orwithout verify. The "F" keytogg{}les the Format Destinationoption between ON and OFF. The "W"key toggles Write-With-Verifybetween ON and OFF. The "Scree|}n VTOC" shows the statusof every sector on the disk asfollows:SMALL DOT = Empty Sector (Sector contains no da}}ta)LARGE DOT = Data Sector (Sector contains data)QUESTION MARK = Bad Sector (Unable to read s~}ector) Pressing the OPTION key during aread operation skips reading therest of the Source disk and writesthe current da}ta buffer to theDestination disk. In copying anAtari-type DOS disk, you should notpress OPTION until the disk VTOCand di}sk directory (sectors $168thru $170) have been read. Disk directories of drives one ortwo may be obtained by pressing the}keys "1" or "2" respectively.NOTE: Only the first 44 file namesare shown, and CopyMate can copySpartaDOS disks, but can't} readSpartaDOS directories! CopyMate uses the expanded memoryof the 130XE and all "130XEcompatible" 256K upgrades (such }asRAMBO XL). If CopyMate doesn'twork with your upgrade, you shouldhold the "B" key down when bootingCopyMate to disable }this extramemory.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ˠӠ CopyMate works best with USDoubler-equipped} Atari 1050 diskdrives. With these drives, Copy-Mate always performs High SpeedI/O (commonly called UltraSpeed).In addit}ion, they are the onlydrives capable of duplicatingspecial Source disk formats (egUltraSkew) on the Destination disk.High} speed I/O is also possible with most 1050 "HAPPY" disk drives,but special format copying is notpossible. If a HAPPY dri}ve and Doubler driveare used together, reading fromthe HAPPY drive is preferable. Ifa combination of high and normalspee}d drives are used, reading fromthe high speed drive is prefer-able. Even so, the write speed maybe very slow when copyin}g somedisks. If you only have one highspeed disk drive you will probablyfind it faster, especially with a130XE or 256K u}pgrade, to performone drive copies.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ɭ٠ŠIF DISK CAN BE READ IN 1} PASS:1) Make the first copy in the normal way.2) When the "COPY COMPLETE" message appears, insert the next Desti}nation disk and press SELECT.3) Repeat step 2 for subsequent copies.IF DISK CAN'T BE READ IN 1 PASS:1) Set up for} a one drive copy. (Source drive = Destination drive)2) Insert Source disk and press START.3) Insert Destination d}isk and press START.4) When the "INSERT SOURCE DISK" prompt appears press SELECT.5) Insert the next Destination disk} and press START.6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 once for each additional copy.7) Repeat steps 2 thru 6 until all the copie}s have been completed.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ӡ IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO LETCOPYMATE FO}RMAT THE DESTINATIONDISK! By doing so, you can besure that source and destinationdisks are EXACTLY identical. Write-Wit}h-Verify is not necessaryfor day-to-day copying. However,when backing up unreplaceablesoftware or data, write-with-verify}should be turned on. It will benoticed that the write speed ismuch slower when write-with-verifyis enabled. CopyMate i}s fully compatible withboth single and true double densitydisks. It is only partiallycompatible with enhanced density(DO}S 2.5) disks, being able to copythe first 720 sectors. CopyMate is in the public domainand may be freely copied as longa}s the original boot disk format isleft unchanged. For BBS distri-bution, CopyMate may be compressedinto a single file usi}ng a com-pression utility. CopyMate doesnot always work properly as abinary file, so it should not beconverted to such.}- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ҡ The authors of CopyMate shall haveno liability or responsibilit}y tothe user, or any other person orentity with respect to anyliability, loss, or damage causeddirectly or indirectly by }CopyMate. If you like CopyMate, please letme know by writing to: Mike Palmer 10843 Venice Circle } Tampa, Florida 33635=================================== }??N2G=0N2B2ppppN2F?F??F?F?pF?N2A?4}=xԅ,DȄ 7 4 LJ4xԩԙЙө1123, }Ԣҩ@ 1ԢO?ԩ?ԩ! x: 7 4;O3=? 7˄JJef7H\7h< :(t} 5:ەpA? y7 y7 ? ? = O;܆L6 I0 =?0½=?}0Eܠ 4; 8 = ; ޅ60?:2344 t0ԅ2Յ3؅4$ t0? 0$P 0}ҥ 10`# 121 4 2 q1 <1L01 q1) "1L01 D12 <14 D11`0>$?06L)0L}b0P ߠ` "1 1< D1AC Eе0͍&0' `e1i1`) ҩߍҩ}ҭҍ )  `L0H)ҩh `ҍ ҩ(ҩҩ`H) L74HH Lw }1hhh@l&HIҩh@4h `ҍ ҩ(ҩҩ`H) L74HH Lw %5dxԩӹddө@X`olw @?*@*#C!|!|x!|jH!||$|4>yi|ry4;@t@@t*| }#Ix\̀{F"BdB/3   YKH@5*|#Bu*DJ8*4?Qa3 Uc@@"pB00ppPp @:3}ւǓ˝( BzoswvztsB}\|>}d_Os:{| ` }`2_/.( 4dr)&P.3ԩԠ>,#VQAD RQ*7 Bt>@$h% @ }p3@HL D SX}SAXAAAS RA "G*RWG։#C+Cꘇ(@!prqs#/s@@fH|H#@` 3 240}4  8@vv'x _'KY[[ܞF:ZXC)<HWЯ܎gJWmZy7fҦd88ɥєɽɅͯ2ڕB}/%xchangPKU1 GgKYKGhTLA wOux4Ϫ8#Y '#opy$ tH*~A|rA])aa& Lb9S999&Yze}?tCC> %CdImb+O+g+++5H+ɸ@#M)N\)فLd 8WZ f fW+7ԐG}$C4R u*p}B,EJ)#W)[]eb0BWҘ XSh¾Ce%儽I^A9p)!IoWQH"VVJVVZGBGZސ䃋}ދxB :P*WR DAO D ~ ? 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FastBasic, henceforth referred to as FB, is an extremely fas5}t BASIC interpreter. Nothing more, nothing less. It runs on XL/E machines. It provides 28,119 bytes of free memory for your b6}asic programs. This should remain constant regardless of how many handlers that you load into lower memory, before loading FB7}. Some of FB loads into $2500 and moves MEMLO up to cover itself. So there is plenty of space to load any special handlers yo8}u might want. NOTE: FB does not like the older RD.COM file from ICD. I suggest you use the PSI ramdisk handler. One of 9}the features of FB is a screen accelerator. The custom screen accelerator may not work correctly with some BASIC programs. In:} cases such as these, hold down the OPTION key when loading FB to deactivate the screen accelerator. Another feature of;} FB is a customized Fast Floating Point package, based upon source code by Charles Marslett. (Thanks Charles, for sharing thi<}s!). The FFP is more than sufficient for most programs. But there are a few programs that require a high degree of accuracy o=}n trigonomic functions in which a certain degree of inaccuracy will be noted. Fortunately, you probably won't run across thes>}e types of programs very often. You may re-enter FB from the 3.2d command line by typing RUN. Your basic program should?} remain intact, unless you used some function of 3.2d that clobbers the basic program area. The COPY command is an example of@} such a command. You may use DIR, TIME, DATE, etc. Included in this ARC is a simple benchmark program. It will test varA}ious functions of both Atari Basic and FB, and print the results. The following is an evaluation of FB written by John B}McGowen. It may help explain any other questions you may have about FB.Dear Tom:RE: CTH Fast BASIC (vers 2)I found an oC}riginal copy of my programme which gives the position of the moon (azimuth, altitude) for every half hour in a month. This orD}iginal is not so accurate as my latest version, but runs under Atari basic. Running it under Atari Basic, TurboBasicXL, CTH aE}nd the BasicXL runtime system from the last Antic disk gives the following times: H:M:S F} -- -- -- + Atari Basic 00:55:23 CTH Fast Basic 2 00:25:50 TurboBasicXL 00:1G}4:57 *+ BasicXL Runtime 00:53:19-----------------*: BasicXL... (this was run using the AUTORUN.SYS from the last AH}ntic disk... the BasicXL runtime system, with the moon positioning programme as Autorun.BXL) As you can see, without the FASTI} command from BasicXL it does not provide much speed improvement over Atari Basic... I don't know whether this is due to the J}trig functions, the looping or the GOSUB/GOTOs... but, in any case, CTHFB is better than the BasicXL runtime system for my moK}on positioning programme.--------------------+: (The values for Atari basic and the BasicXL runtime system are approximatL}ions...I ran the calculations for the half hours in one day and scaled up to a month... otherwise it just takes too damn longM}!).-----------------------I have a Wheel of Fortune game (would never RUN it under Turbo or CTHFB, as it uses FOR/NEXT loN}ops for timing) but it loads/runs under Atari/Turbo but CTH gives an error-147 when it runs (insufficient RAM for the graphicO} screen).I suspect the memory limitation may also affect some Basic slide show programmes that load two screens and use pagP}e flipping... two screens take up almost 16K.-----------------------I noticed when running my moon programme that while AQ}tari and TurboBasic printed one thing, CTH did something else. My print (to screen) routine printed the days as the calculatiR}ons were done with a PRINT X, command. Both Atari and Turbo printed something like: 1 2 3 4 S}5 6 7 ...etc.While CTH gave:1 2 3 45 6 7 ...etc.Is thatT} due to the 40 column screen (rather than 38) or does CTH handle the tabs differently (are they, say, absolute positions on tU}he line instead of relative to the last print?)?-------------------As to memory, you are right, it would be terrible to hV}ave CTH handle tokenized BASIC in banks (as strings and arrays are not in the VVT, but in basic space, what to do if one partW} of the code refers to data, strings say, in another bank? Also, each GOTO/GOSUB would have to do a bank switch and then JSR.X}.. to get the right banks it would have to be precompiled since a GOTO 100 statement does not know which bank contains line 1Y}00... but your version must handle this to get the absolute addresses anyway... it may be possible, but very messy).As to hZ}aving the basic interpreter itself in banks, that is what Turbo does (though its bank is RAM under OS rather than XE type ban[}ked RAM) and Turbo runs faster than CTH... I am wondering, is it possible to redo Turbo to use banked ram rather than ram und\}er OS and so make it Sparta 3.2d compatible? The addresses for JMP/JSRs would change and the bits poked into PORTB... of cour]}se this would require configuring the RAMDISK or whatever, NOT to use this bank (but this can be done with the PSI ramdisk ha^}ndler, or even the ICD handler, and can be done with MyDos, though I think there is a bug in MyDos if you try to enter a page_} sequence with over 256K upgrades and don't use the defaults).---------------As you can see, at least for the moon progra`}mme (which was GOSUB/GOTO/LOOP and TRIG intensive), CTHFB is about the average (geometric mean) of Atari/Turbo BASICs..I doa}n't know of any source for the source code to TurboBasicXL... but if THAT were available, converting it to banked ram, ratherb} than RAM under OS, would seem better...---------------Being without a HD, I will probably keep using TurboBasicXL (for sc}peed and greater memory) with MyDos and only use Sparta with CTHFB when I have something that needs Sparta and basic (I have d}a few such... my converter for PS icons to D3 format is in basic and on a disk with Sparta, but it only takes 15 seconds to me}ake the conversion under Atari basic, due to some ML code and putting the main subroutine at the front of the code).-------f}----------... I have not been able to get back to CTHFB with a RUN from Sparta3.2d on my system (minor problem).. but as ang} alternate basic it is much faster than Atari basic (about twice as fast for my moon positioning programme) though not so fash}t as TurboBasicXL. Trying to use RUN from Sparta sometimes causes the basic to lock up (after using the RUN attempt, then runi}ning it from ramdisk, once attempting to edit a line from a programme I then loaded, a delete of a character caused a lockup;j} once attempting to ENTER a listed programme caused a lockup... I tried again without attempting the RUN command and had no tk}rouble with the delete or ENTER)... It doesn't seem to like ICD's original RD.COM file (but that won't even work with MAC/65!l}) so version 2.3 is necessary (or the PSI Ramdisk handler). (NOTE: The above problems should disappear if you use the PSI ramm}disk handler. -Tom).In short, except for returning with a RUN and the loss of memory, CTHFB version 2 is MUCH faster than An}tari Basic (and the BasicXL runtime system.. at least without the FAST command.. however I believe that using no FAST commando} is supposed to slow BasicXL down to approximately atari speeds for timing with FOR/NEXT loops)... quite worthwhile if one cap}nnot use TurboBasicXL.IF TurboBasicXL could be reconfigured to work with Sparta3.2d, it would be better, but for Sparta3.2dq} users, this version is great... I like it, but with my system, would seldom use it (but for disks with basic programmes and r}sparta... probably will).---------------I guess that's all I have to say on CTHFB version 2... very nice Sparta compatibls}e basic... quite fast... Nice job...---------------Till later. Sincerely, Johnt}--------------------------------------For help/support for any productof CTH Enterprises, call- CTH BBS u} 419-368-4413 Conference #0 24 Hrs 7 Days 3/12/2400 baudrises, call- CTH BBS V)̩ˬ̦L`  6ccc9=ccccccccccccG G 4w}-&---ssssss2#x}#-4:ì:?\:곬gy}::꯬:::ά뫬0άӝ:ߝ::0z}#::::::/K:Ws:ά:ꪰ::ë:{};Þ?ӞӞ;۞۞0 <++ P 015ߍi |}`P\`\^\^ʜT??c1a?Pbta˄ͩ\̱eͅ\pa kaHo$L:cQZn}}.=b.pS.ZnZnӥ0AgHV:# ZnZnZnnӁ0H8/Kguk޿ZccqZqIiӥ_ZоFrZoZ#n~}[ oZnӥZk.h(nZZnI Ox=L\ UO`!:'`ʧ&`ad*K JLVS:E:I©Ӏ}ӃJf{u_ tDzw_hӉӃӃhД􇵆yvGzMCSSKܝSmߝ}܁i҂ӜBӗݚ1Cea ؛> z kaseta.7szkCX  ى wym. 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Do not worry asthis is what this doc is for!This program is a binary filecompressor. It compresses binary filesby re}moving all zeros and thus filesCAN be quite a lot shorter.This one is different to other similarbinary compressors because} it clearsthe memory before loading into it!So, say your binary files loads into$A000-$A85F. This program will read thest}art bytes and write a little introto clear between these addresses andthen the rest of the file is loaded(with all the zer}os removed ofcourse!).This offers a significant advantageover other similar packers because ifyou have packed any files l}ike thisthen chances are the font, screens andother things are corrupted by datastill in memory and not beingoverwritten.}Back to using the program!After the program has loaded you willbe given some sort of information aboutthe program and its} creator. Some timelater you will be prompted to pressSTART. Do so and you will be sent tothe 'file input' screen. Enter t}hefilename of the binary file you wish topack (using D:FILENAME.EXT) or use '*'for a directory of the disk in drive 1.Aft}er it has loaded you will be askedfor the destination filename or you cancan restart by entering '#'.After you have typed }in the destinationfilename (again in the D:FILENAME.EXTformat) the file will be saved to disk.g '#'.After you have typed a